
Cerys, our daughter was born in July 2000.

Weighing 8lbs 1oz she caused a few problems while being born. The doctors and midwives had to use a big sucker as well as the forceps to get her out.

This page will contain a few pictures of our little girl as she grows up and becomes a responsible adult. Ahem!


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This is a picture taken in December 2002 at Christmas time.

Cerys's Cousin, Caitlin sometimes come to see us from Glasgow. She is my brother Mike's little girl and also daughter of Donna.

They don't half go mad when they get together!

Cerys & Caitlin
Cerys April 2002 This picture was taken in April 2002, at the Quarry Park. As you can see, she is a cheeky little blighter.
This is Cerys playing in her toy box, taken in early March 2001. She sits in her toy box playing and watching The Weakest Link. You are the weakest link, Goodbye
Cerys & Caitlin
This is Cerys with her cousin and good bud Caitlin. She's two months old and is my brother Mike & his fiance Donna's child. Every time she looks at me she bursts into tears. (Not surprising really!!)

Here's Cerys with her granny Debbie.

Wicked smile eh?

Cerys & Granny Debbie

This is a piccy of Cerys taken mid-January 2001. It has been altered slightly.

I don't normally share my beers!!

The picture above was also altered with the bottle of bud and looked fantastic.

This is also Cerys after a long days sleeping and crying. No not really, she doesn't cry much. Except for when I take my Batman Toys off her. What a cruel dad eh? I'll 'ave yer if yer get chopsy!
Big feet, big ears! These are prints of Cerys' feet at the tender age of 10 days. She didn't mind us painting her feet but I'm damn sure I would have gone mad if someone did that to me.

This is Cerys at 10 days old. She is asleep but smiling too. She has a lovely smile but we only see it when she is asleep unfortunately.

All of the scabs have gone too, off her head so she is more comfortable now. Also her head looks better.

She has had lots of lovely gifts off friends and family, for which we thank everyone.

What a grin......
Ah ain't she cute This is Cerys at about 10 days of age. That big nasty scab & bruise was caused by the Venteuse Cap which is like a big sucker (sink plunger) to pull babies out of the mummy's tummy.
Last Updated October 12, 2014