About Me
This Page is full of pictures of me growing up into the very stable adult you see before you today.

Right, where do I begin? Oh yeah.... My name is Bob and I was born in 1973. As I remember it was a good year!

I was born in Copthorne Hospital, Shrewsbury, UK.

Little 3 month old Bob
1974 Bob in luvverly bonnet!

We moved into a pub in Wellington called the Three Crowns and we stayed here for a few years. Quite eventful times, they were. I still swear to this day that ornaments used to move around at night. While I was watching them !!

Here I am sitting in the garden of the Three Crowns wearing some lovely sandals. Nice.
Wicked shoes, Bob.
This should keep your kids away from your PC.
On the left here is Dave my older bro', then Mike (1 yr. younger than me) in the centre and finally me.

After the pub, we moved back into Shrewsbury and lived with our Nan & Grandad for a while in Monkmoor Rd. Norn as we have always called her was very strict but has since mellowed out a bit. This was a good laugh but I'm a really fussy eater. I lost a lot of weight in this time..

On the right is a picture of our dog at the time. His name was Sam and he was one crazy dog. He used to spin around all of the time.

Sam.  More like Taz!
Cute huh?
On the left is a picture of me when I must have been around five or six years old. About this time I would have been starting Crowmoor School in Shrewsbury.
This picture (right) was taken in July 1979 and it depicts Mike, Myself and Sam. This was taken in the back garden of Abbotts Road. Just check out my socks!
Cool socks Bob.
Look at the size of my Chopper
This picture too, was taken in July 1979 and I think I've got the same socks on again. It shows David, Michael and Bobby as we were known then, on our bikes. They were cool! Dave had a Raleigh Olympus 5 Speed racer, I had a Raleigh Chopper, (wish I still had it), and Mike had either a Budgie or a Princess bike. (I can't recall that one). This picture was taken in the "Square" or carpark at the rear of the Abbotts Rd house.
This picture was definitely taken at Crowmoor School and I remember not wanting to smile 'cos I had no front teeth. Everyone used to sing that old annoying "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" song. Mike was at Crowmoor too but I don't remember seeing him that much when we were at school.
Toothless Grin
Kipper The Cat
Sam was not the only pet in our time at Abbotts Road, this little chap was called "Kipper". Don't ask me why. He was a great cat and for some reason we used to get him tightrope walking. We even trained him to sit up and beg for food. Eventually all of his teeth went rotten and had to have them taken out. If I remember he went blind and eventually he was put to sleep to stop him hurting himself.
This is me and Mike in our Cub Scout uniforms, attending the St. Georges Day Parade at Shrewsbury Castle in 1983. If I remember I was in the White Six and Mike was in the Black Six. This can be seen in our Woggle colour. Our Akela, was a woman called Beryl Tyler and she was a star.
Cub Sprouts

In September of 1983 our little brother Gareth was born and here we have a picture of all four of us together on Christmas Day '83. Mike is holding in his hands our hamster of the time, called Toscar we eventually buried him alive not realising that Hamsters do sometimes hibernate. Whoops.

This pic was taken at our first Christmas in the new house. We needed to move house from Abbotts Road to gain another bedroom. We moved in and found some strange colour schemes and a horrible stink. Poooh!!

This picture is from August 1984, Gaz was having a splash in our inflatable dinghy. This was in the back garden of the Buttington Road house.
August 1984
Check out those clothes.
This sweet young man is ME. This picture was taken in October 1984, just before I started at Belvidere Secondary School. When we were starting school there, a lot of rumours about having your head flushed down the toilet were spread around. I never got flushed or witnessed anyone else getting it of course.

More to come folks!

If you used to go to Crowmoor or Belvidere School, why not send me a message using the comments form, or e-mail me and I'll reply by e-mail as soon as I can. It would be good to here from people I used to hang around with when I was ickle.

Last Updated March 29, 2001